
Business Tax Advisory & Compliance

Tonnie Consult is made up of highly experienced Tax Professionals that use their diverse expertise and skills to provide seamless tax consultation to our clients. We help businesses and corporates navigate Tax planning, financial accounting, and tax compliance, and maintain effective communications with tax authorities. With our team, your operations will keep running smoothly as we determine ad manage tax payouts in due time to avoid possible mitigations like interests and penalties.

We Offer:

Tax restructuring advice
Tax health checks
Business income tax compliance
Tax accounting
Tax Training

International and Transaction Tax Services

To build a competitive advantage in the global business world, corporates need to align global taxation with their overall business strategy. Our Tax Consultants have high exposure and experience with global tax laws, thus providing tax strategies, forward planning, reporting, and managing any international tax issues that may arise. With our support, businesses have been able to uncover global opportunities, manage global tax risks, meet cross-border reporting obligations, and deal with transfer pricing issues – thus providing value to stakeholders.

At Tonnie Consult Ltd we believe that every business has tax implications, whether it’s on the acquisition, disposal, refinancing, restructuring, or initial public offering. We provide customized solutions depending on need, reducing risks and enhancing opportunities.

We Offer:

ITS health check
ITS advice
Tax due diligence
Transfer Pricing
Post deal implementation

Human Capital: Expatriate, Immigration & Payroll Tax Services

Tonnie Consult Human Capital Service line offers tax compliance and advisory services to companies and their international or domestic assignees. The services include global mobility advisory, assignment administration, process risk assessments, business immigration, and expatriate tax return processing.

We also provide advice to companies on performance and reward programs, and transactions including due diligence and post-merger integration.

We Offer:

Home/host country tax briefing meetings
Payroll set-up review
Tax return preparation
Gross up and hypothetical tax calculations
Registration of taxpayer
Expatriate tax advisory services
Consulting on individual assessments to provide you with strategic advice on the immigration requirements for individual employees to accommodate your business needs
Preparing immigration-related applications to facilitate short-term business
travel, work permits/ visas, residence permits, and long-term permanent residence as required
Visa and CTA application